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Your Product Triage

Do these sound familiar?

  • Backlog zombies – stories that never die. Do stories carry-over from sprint to sprint with little or no measurable progress? This is bad for progress, expensive, confusing, and bad for morale.
  • We talk velocity but we don’t see it. Or we are burning down the backlog, but we aren’t actually building the right thing.
  • Mission disonnect. Do individual contributors know how their assigned stories align to the epic? Epic to the roadmap? Roadmap to Product Strategy? Do .. you have a Product Strategy? Is everyone onboard?
  • Doubt in the process. Are you implementing agile as “best practice” but getting worst outcomes or no outcome at all?
  • I know what customers want. But maybe I don’t.

These are all symptoms of a Product in jeopardy.

A ramp along a curved wall in the Kiasma Museu, Helsinki, Finland