Product Owner and Product Management services à la carte

Product Management Software for the Independent Consultant

MyPocketPM helps the independent product manager consultant keep their head on straight!

MyPocketPM is the independent contractor’s CRM, project board with statuses at a glance, and task list.

Customer Relationship Manager

Keep all your client communications in one place – and give your clients their own portal into their work with you!

The integrated CRM is your single source of all communications with your clients.

Project Board

As an independent contractor, knowing where you are in a given client engagement when switching tasks is critical. Our project board simplifies this task by keeping it all very simple and at-a-glance.

Task List

Call in three days? Check on an outstanding invoice? Planning vacation but haven’t got time to draft that vacation notice just yet?

The task list in MyPocketPM helps you to keep all your ducks in a row.

Dogfooding: MyPocketPM is the product owner/product manager personal project management tool that we use here at It homegrown and also grassroots — when POs and PMs use MyPocketPM, we listen: As we build it out, the world always has access to the very latest improvements, and we all grow together!

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